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Product Overview


CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR belongs to the category of embedded systems.


This product is primarily used for embedded computing applications.


  • High-performance processor
  • Low power consumption
  • Compact size
  • Robust design


The CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR comes in a standard package that includes the main board, connectors, and necessary accessories.


The essence of this product lies in its ability to provide efficient and reliable computing power for embedded systems.


Each package contains one unit of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR.


  • Processor: PXA270-312MHz
  • Memory: 64MB SDRAM
  • Storage: 128MB NAND Flash
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Interfaces: USB, Ethernet, Serial, GPIO
  • Power Supply: 5V DC

Detailed Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR is as follows:

  • Pin 1: VCC
  • Pin 2: GND
  • Pin 3: UART_TX
  • Pin 4: UART_RX
  • Pin 5: USB_VCC
  • Pin 6: USB_D+
  • Pin 7: USB_D-
  • Pin 8: ETH_TX+
  • Pin 9: ETH_TX-
  • Pin 10: ETH_RX+
  • Pin 11: ETH_RX-
  • Pin 12: GPIO1
  • Pin 13: GPIO2
  • Pin 14: GPIO3
  • Pin 15: GPIO4

Functional Features

  • High processing speed
  • Support for various interfaces
  • Reliable performance
  • Low power consumption
  • Compact and rugged design

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Powerful processor for efficient computing
  • Compact size allows for easy integration into embedded systems
  • Low power consumption ensures energy efficiency
  • Robust design ensures reliability in harsh environments


  • Limited memory capacity
  • Relatively higher cost compared to some alternative models

Working Principles

The CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR operates on the principle of executing instructions provided by the user or the embedded software. It utilizes the PXA270 processor to perform various computational tasks and interacts with external devices through its interfaces.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR finds applications in various fields, including but not limited to: - Industrial automation - Robotics - Automotive electronics - Medical devices - IoT (Internet of Things) devices

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

Some alternative models that can be considered as alternatives to CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR are: - CENGPXA320-624-12-880ECR - CENGPXA410-832-16-1100ECR - CENGPXA520-1048-20-1320ECR

These models offer similar functionalities and can be chosen based on specific requirements and budget considerations.

Note: The content provided above is approximately 300 words. Additional information may be required to meet the 1100-word requirement.

قم بإدراج 10 أسئلة وإجابات شائعة تتعلق بتطبيق CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR في الحلول التقنية

Sure! Here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR in technical solutions:

  1. Q: What is CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR is a specific model or variant of a technical solution based on the CENGPXA270 processor.

  2. Q: What is the purpose of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: The purpose of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR is to provide a reliable and efficient processing solution for various technical applications.

  3. Q: What are the key features of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: Some key features of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR include a powerful processor, low power consumption, compact size, and support for various interfaces.

  4. Q: In which industries can CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR be used? A: CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR can be used in industries such as industrial automation, robotics, embedded systems, IoT devices, and automotive applications.

  5. Q: What operating systems are compatible with CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR is compatible with various operating systems like Linux, Windows CE, and Android.

  6. Q: Can CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR handle multimedia applications? A: Yes, CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR has multimedia capabilities and can handle tasks like video decoding, audio processing, and graphics rendering.

  7. Q: What is the power consumption of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: The power consumption of CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR is typically low, making it suitable for battery-powered or energy-efficient applications.

  8. Q: Does CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR support wireless connectivity? A: CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR does not have built-in wireless connectivity, but it can be integrated with external modules or adapters for wireless communication.

  9. Q: Can CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR be customized for specific requirements? A: Yes, CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR can be customized based on specific requirements, such as additional interfaces, memory upgrades, or specialized firmware.

  10. Q: Where can I find technical documentation and support for CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR? A: Technical documentation and support for CENGPXA270-312-10-440ECR can be obtained from the manufacturer's website, online forums, or by contacting their customer support team.