RTC clock synchronization buffer driver delay chip
97574 PCS
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61708 PCS
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80139 PCS
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65440 PCS
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84136 PCS
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81451 PCS
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84026 PCS
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77843 PCS
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56173 PCS
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89371 PCS
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50185 PCS
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83547 PCS
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56833 PCS
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TI (Texas Instruments)
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88341 PCS
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TI (Texas Instruments)
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53846 PCS
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MICROCHIP (US Microchip)
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95383 PCS
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CYPRESS (Cypress)
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69461 PCS
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MICROCHIP (US Microchip)
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50434 PCS
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onsemi (Ansemi)
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The MC100EP210S is a low skew 1:5 dual differential driver designed with LVDS clock distribution in mind. The LVDS or LVPECL input signal is differential and the signal is distributed to five identical differential LVDS outputs. The EP210S specifically guarantees low output-to-output skew. Optimized design, layout, and handling minimize skew within the device and from device to device. Two internal 50 ohm resistors are provided across the input. For LVDS input, the VTA and VTB pins should be disconnected. For LVPECL input, VTA and VTB pins should be connected to VTT (VCC-2.0 V) supply. Designers can take full advantage of the performance of the EP210S to distribute low-skew LVDS clocks on a chassis or main board. Special consideration should be given to differential inputs to prevent instability under no-signal conditions.
62565 PCS
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75407 PCS
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